Friday, June 11, 2010

Early Summer 2010.


I love to travel and I am usually blessed to travel somewhere in the world every summer. This summer sadly I can't.. I am taking physics as a part of my Post Baccalaureate Premed Graduate Program at USC and it literally takes up all my time. I am basically taking a years worth of physics in about 10weeks:/

Besides studying I have begun preparations for Miss California this fall:) I was planning on doing a prelim this June, however final exams for my summer course fall the day after the event so I had to postpone for a prelim this August(Miss Los Angeles County)...what does all this mean: I have reunited with my running shoes and workout clothes. I am naturally muscular so my workouts and eating habits before an event like Miss Los Angeles County and Miss California are probably opposite from what most girls do. I try to stay away from too much protein and do massive amounts of cardio. I never weight lift, but you can probably find me swimming or jogging. I live in Santa Monica so I usually will run to the beach. This is weird too but I love to workout at night...there's just something about ending your entire day with a good run!

I am a woman of few words this blog post as I must get back to the books(yep studying on a Friday night and lovin it!), but I made a fun little video to compensate(It is posted above) know what they say a picture says a thousand words, so hopefully videos say a million! If you can't access it or want to view it in a bigger screen you can find it on my youtube channel! Enjoy and see you at my next post!